The revival of an age-old tradition

I hear the call


In 1985, Abuelo Tlakaelel (grandfather Tlakaelel from Mexico) & a grandmother from the north, whose name is unknown, studied the Códice Borgia and rediscovered the dance “Danza de Ochpaniztli” (fiesta a la madre Toci) on 4 nights in the month of October.

Isabel Vega, a good friend of Grandfather Tlakaelel, received the revelation to open a Moon Dance Circle during a Sun Dance.
She told other companions about it and immediately dreams began to confirm this vision.

Patricia Guerra Leal also dreamed the moon dance and saw the ceremony of the pipe spread across the world in the shape of a star – with the tips marking different countries and places of new moon dance circles in the Mexica tradition.

Isabel Vega (Toluimatl), Guadalupe Retíz (Tonalmitl) & Patricia Guerra Leal and another 5 grandmothers, 8 people in total, performed the first ceremony at Volcán Iztaccihuatl. There was a strict fast, it was a very cold place and there was a fire in every direction. It was a powerful work, the beginning of a spiritual ceremony as prophesied in the Codex Borgia.
Without having taken part, some people near the village sacrificed a deer on the last night of this dance. Then a Huichol warrior came to the site of the ceremony and pointed out that the deer sacrifice was being made because the essences felt that an important spiritual work was beginning.
Abuela Ana joined in 1996, when the dance circle was already much bigger. Today there are various dance circles – all of the same origin.
It is a great personal responsibility and with the Great Spirit. The ritual includes a four-day fasting sacrifice, eight cleansing sweat lodges, four full nights of dancing in a circle and working with the obsidian pipe. Purification, spiritual connection, teachings, inner work, sisterhood and joy take place.
We must work with humility before the Great Spirit and achieve its manifestation to liberate the soul in service, learning that this body is the temple of the spirit: free from drugs, free from vices and impurities, false ego, seeing that we are all equal without vanity, hatred, resentment, envy and all the negative things that hinder us from spiritual growth.
It is necessary to restore our ancestral memory to achieve an opening of consciousness through the instructions of the Grandmothers who have shared their knowledge because they are connected to the Great Spirit to whom we dedicate the ceremony. Fasting is done to focus the mind and harmonize with the inner self (not required). Purifying the energy body by raising the vibrational level is our sacrifice, so we must strive for this purpose.


This book recounts a lived experience: the millennial teachings of the Mexican grandmothers and, out of gratitude for their great commitment, a compassionate openness towards women in the process of spiritual search. These great-grandmothers: Isabel Vega (Toluimatl), Guadalupe Retiz (Tonalmitl), Jovia Embarcadero, Egda Stivalet (Acuauhtzin) and María Soto (Malinalli) open a window to understand the tradition of the sacred pipe, the temazcal and the circle of spiritual dance that unites forces with purpose on this material plane.

A knowledge that has been hidden for many years, in which the woman remains fragmented like the goddess Coyolxauhqui and her pieces are scattered throughout the universe. This is the message of the goddess discovered during the Zócalo excavations (Mexico City, 1977). It indicates that it is time to unite women in their role as grandmother, mother, daughter, friend, light companion, healer and wife.

Living responsibility in this universal process as a presence. The grandmothers call us to remember the teaching of the inner being. The work of a better world begins and the energy is activated to connect the sisters with love, peace and harmony.

The purpose of this work is to extract a drop of knowledge from the ocean of ancient teaching, the wisdom of the red path that connects us in service to all.

Since ancient times, women have occupied an important place as recipients of wisdom and healing, intuitive with the inner being, advisors to groups and women’s medicine. She is driven out by the patriarchy and doubts its power. Changes and social problems arise due to male dominance. She settled for second place, regardless of her nature of goodness.

This allows the man to take over the reins and the result is a distracted material world: without love, lust, peace or harmony, without ancestral values, where competition, envy and greed reign. It was necessary to hit rock bottom in order to save the value of women and their role on this planet. She is experiencing false competition for gender equality.

Thanks to the help of the grandmothers, the power of love can be restored and changes can be brought about in society. Awakening the feminine side in men, with the openness to connect with the intuitive power.

Through teaching, the brothers begin to understand the feminine energy in manifestation. We move forward with the masculine energy of expansion and manifest the process of search and balance. Therefore, in this moment of life, we are turning to harmony and returning to the original values in order to lay the foundations for the new generation of people who work with both energies.

Everything must be open and shared with respect, discipline and love. No more abuse or suffering from separation, only health, peace and service to the goals to be achieved. For this and many other things that cannot be expressed in words, all my love & blessings to these special beings who guide us and bring us to remember the ancient teachings with great love.


Anita Carmona



Interview with Abuela Ana Carmona Itzpapalotl on Radio Rhizome




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